3D adventure game in first person where the player will have to solve a murder in a 30's train. Explore, talk with other characters and solve environment puzzles to find the murderer.”

  • Genre: Puzzle-Adventure

  • Engine: Unity

  • Team Size: 5

  • Duration: 6 months (January 2019 - June 2019)

  • Platform: PC itch.io page

Role (s) and responsibility:

Game design

  • Concepted and designed scale puzzle.

Sound Design

  • Recorded or collected and edited all game Sound effects.

  • Implemented Sound effects in-engine.

  • Edited and implemented Music tracks in-engine.


  • 3D modelled train props and environment assets.

  • Lead the art direction of the game.

Cutscene Design

  • Designed, recorded and edited in-game cutscenes.


  • Concepted and designed in-game HUD


  • Work on from start to finish on a bigger project.

  • Use acquired design skills on a real project.

  • Work with team and develop team-work.

  • Develop an adventure game in 3D.

Conclusions/Areas to improve:

  • Communication with a team is vital for success.

  • Better to stay consistent throughout the project, than working during bursts.

  • Feedback between team members helps to improve the final product.

  • Reduce expectation to deliver a quality product in time.

  • Continue to develop and improve communication skills.

  • Puzzle design is always harder than it seems.



Noise Hunters